About the Live LiKe Chasen Foundation
Chasen Petcovic tragically passed in his sleep on March 21, 2023. Hours before, he was playing first base and pitching for the Hopewell Dodgers and celebrated in an after-game party with his baseball team and his Cambridge Bears football team. Chasen was very well known and loved throughout the community. He had a happy, energetic, larger-than-life personality making an impact on everyone that he interacted with. His passing has left the community devastated.
The Live Like Chasen Petcovic Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) public charity that is being created in his honor to give back to the community by helping support causes Chasen loved; youth sports, church groups, and various other school programs. Additionally, the longer-term goals of the foundation will be to provide support and assistance to families that have experienced unexpected life altering tragedies. We also plan to partner with other nonprofit organizations and charities to help accomplish these goals.
Currently, the Hopewell Youth Association is teaming up with Cambridge Feeder Football to kick-start this foundation for the Petcovic family. Just like Chasen’s larger than life personality, the Live Like Chasen Foundation is hoping to go BIG! If you feel led, please contribute or if you can help in any other way please reach out. Thanks to everyone that has shown so much love and support to the Petcovic family.